June 2, 2010

How does YOUR garden grow???

In case you haven't checked up on the community garden lately you might want to look at some of the recent pics on the blog (santaclaracommunitygarden.blogspot.com)
Dallin wasn't terribly thrilled when we got to do some work in our own garden after FHE as our "activity." I reminded him how Denzel and Brandon hated working in the garden at Dallin's age, but NOW look who's planting their own gardens. He wasn't impressed.
Anyway, the more time I spend working the soil in various capacities, the more I am reminded of the correlations it has with so many things. Then I came across this quote I used to have on the fridge. Thought it was a good reminder:

"A regular and consistent pattern of scripture study is what will be most helpful in our lives. A few little flowers will spring up briefly in the dry gully through which torrents of water pass occasionally. But it's the steady streams that bring thick needed crops. In the agriculture of the soul that has to do with nurturing attributes, flash floods are no substitute for regular irrigation." -- Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1981)

I hope we are "cultivating" our souls with consistent and regular "irrigation" by living the gospel, by praying, reading our scriptures, serving others, and finding ways to "be a little better."


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