September 8, 2010


Over the years (from the time I was four!), I've had to learn anger management techniques! Let me see, I smashed a porcelain Model T car my parents had been given as a treasured wedding present when my dad wouldn't take me with him to the store. I remember cuz I got paddled pretty good for that.

I still have the note from my kindergarten teacher sent to my mother saying, "Mrs. Barton, Patrice is doing much better in class, but would you please ask her WHY she was jumping on the ping pong table and WHY she bit Peter?"

And then there was the time that Dan and John locked me out of the house and were laughing at me through their bedroom window. Without blinking an eye, I punched my fist through the window. Somehow I didn't get cut, AND they were the ones who got in trouble!
I could go on and on, but it's not very pretty.

Needless to say, I've worked hard to find ways to overcome my "anger issues." Several years ago I typed up this list and posted it on the fridge. It has been a good reminder to me, and I hope to you kids, of good ways to deal with anger. I'm going to print out a "small version," laminate the 3x5 card and send each of you a copy to keep in your wallet, on your desk, mirror, or FRIDGE. I think it is a wonderful reminder for us to read DAILY. It sure has helped me!


1. I will be quick to say I'm sorry and I'll be slow to get angry and take offense.

2. I will talk about my feelings. Even when it is difficult. Rather than keep them inside where they can build anger.

3. If someone doesn't understand why I'm angry, I will explain things calmly and I will not vent my anger on anyone else.

4. I will realize that everyone makes mistakes. Myself included. I will not always think I am right and everyone else is wrong.

5. I will learn to graciously say, "you might be right." – even if I'm sure they're not!

6. I will acknowledge the part I had in doing something wrong and be quick to apologize and make things right.

7. When someone has offended me, or I have become angry, I will be quick to forgive them. Even if I don't feel like it. I cannot afford the "luxury" of anger.

8. If I get angry about something, I will allow myself a few minutes to calm down and then I will apologize and/or forgive the other person. I will not allow myself to hold onto the anger.

9. Remember, having a bad attitude doesn't help anger go away. It just adds fuel to the fire!

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