April 8, 2013

What a Conference Weekend!!

I'm sure it drives my sister nuts that I don't make hourly plans for our "adventures," but I've learned that, for me, having a roughed out plan, and LOTS of flexibility, works very well for me and our family.  And so it is!

The plan for Friday was very different than what actually happened...ie, planned walk with Nat, work in the community garden, go horseback riding, go to town, get picture and frame for my mom's birthday present, deposit checks, shower, pack, leave by 2:00.  When what happened was: walk with Nat, partial weeds in yard, community garden, important counseling visit with piano student parent (2 hours), picture, checks, FAST clean-up, FASTER packing, and ready to leave by 2:30!  (The flexible factor gives me room to listen to the Holy Ghost and do the IMPORTANT things that might not have been in the original plan.)

Anyway, Dad and I drove up early (Nat and RJ drove separate due to class and football).  Hans and Mil were already in SLC, so they met us at Brandon's and Tann's, along with Chris and Kristy.  We just sat around and talked, and eventually watched Wreck It Ralph. (Tannya is such a good sport to have everyone over when she's only 3 weeks away from baby Kate being born!!)   Then everyone headed in their own directions, and Dad and I went to Ellisons to spend the night.  It's so nice that I can drive 5 minutes and be at my sisters house, and get to spend some time with her!

Saturday morning Linda and I went walking together, then Dad and I headed over to my mom and dad's to watch Conference with them.  My mom loved the picture of her and me together taken about 6 years ago.  I shampooed and styled her hair, and after conference had a quick lunch while waiting for Brand, Tann and Nikki to get there.

We dropped Dad off at his brother's (Rocky & Cherie), then Tannya, Nikki and I headed down to Mapleton for Natalee's bridal shower.

What a fun time we had!  Amelia, Tann, and Kristy did a great job putting it all together.  It was so nice to have so much of our extended family there!  And it was REALLY nice of Dan and Janet to let us have it at their house, even though they had a lot of Janet's family come in from out of town!!

Sunday morning we were up early and parking the car close to the Conference Center a little before 8:00 a.m.  I would much rather leave early and not deal with stress!  It was great!!  Loved being there with everyone, especially having Erika there, too!  Too bad she has found a replacement for Dallin...at least temporarily.  His name is:  DEZMOND!!
Loved being in the Conference Center for the morning session.  Thanks to Brandon and Tannya for watching Dezmond for Hans and Mil.  He was probably good entertainment for Nikki!!  We're so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Conference was wonderful, inspiring, and motivating.  Makes us love our family even more, if that's possible!!

Afterwards, we spread out on the grass between the Visitor's Center and the Tabernacle, and had a great lunch together.  
We took a walk to the reflection pool on the East side of Temple Square and took a bunch of pictures.  A photographer offered to take some pictures, putting his lens on Nat's camera.  It was SO cool.  And then he took a bunch more with his camera and said he would email them to us.  He's from Columbia.  FUN!
All too soon it was time to say our good-byes and head back down to St. George.    Wish ALL of our family could have been there, but we enjoyed what we had!!

Until our next adventure...love you ALL...miss those that weren't there!!  And anxiously awaiting the birth of Katelyn!!

Love you forever!


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