April 29, 2013

The Arrival of BABY KATE!!!

Monday morning, we met up with some of the kids and had lunch at Bajio while waiting to hear how Tannya's C-section was going.  Brandon and Tannya had planned to have the C-section, and birth of Baby Kate on the one year anniversary date (that we recognize...not the death certificate!) of Denzel's death date. We thought it the tenderest of blessings, and gave us something to look forward, and not just dread this date.

While we were eating I received an unexpected text:  "6 lbs. 12 oz.  18.5 inches long"  That doctor worked FAST!!  We hurried to finish eating, sent the girls on their way to look for some wedding reception dresses, and Rod and I took Dezmond with US, as we dashed over to McKay-Dee Hospital!!

Dezmond had a bit of a "meltdown" when Tannya's dad took him so we could possibly go in.  After several minutes I went to check on Dezmond, and he was "undone!"  So I took him out to the corridor which bordered Tannya's room.  I rocked him to sleep and stood there looking at the window, visualizing what was going on inside.

Suddenly, my eyes focused on the little slit where the blinds were raised a couple of inches. Brandon's eyes were looking at me.  Then they left, and after a second another set of eyes appeared next to Brandon's...he was holding Baby Kate right next to him and I could barely see both of them through that narrow slit!!  It was SO cool.  I gave Brand a "thumbs up" and then he left the window.

As I stood there enjoying this tender little "first glimpse" of my granddaughter, I was suddenly hit with a dump truck of emotion...the "load" being "I'll never see Denzel's eyes so happy, holding up a baby of his own, so proud, and so fulfilled."  And it spiraled down from there as tears started pouring down my face.  Dezmond's blanket was now being used as a mop rag for my tears.  About this time Rod came out, and I told him of my emotional experience.  It caused him some tenderness, too, but then  shared a different perspective as he said, "But perhaps there really is a spiritual correlation here.  What if Denzel is 'peeking' through the veil trying to get our attention, saying 'Can you see me?  I'm here!  I see you!!  I am happy, and I AM a part of your lives.  I love you.  I miss you.  But I DO see you!'"  I was very moved by the analogy!  And even MORE SO when I saw the pictures.

HOW did I ever see Brandon's eyes through that tiny slit??  And yet I did, as clearly as when the blind was pulled up as a comparison.  I will always remember this very poignant moment!

If you zoom in on the picture you
can see Brandon and Baby Kate!!


We LOVE our Baby Kate and we are SOOOOOO happy for Tannya, Brandon and Nikki!!

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