August 29, 2009

ARCHIVED Mom's Moment - Jan. 2003

Mom's Moment – January 19, 2003
The other day I started cutting the wheat growing in the garden. At first I just cut a few shoots, stacked them, then cut some more. I realized it would take forever cutting like this, so I tied large bunches together with some twine and then whacked it off a couple inches from the ground. It was great! Already bundled, tied and ready to stack. As I continued through the bundling and cutting process, some analogies came to mind regarding the wheat and our lives. Just as the wheat is bundled together to give it more strength to stand up on its own, so are we "bundled" into families to give us strength and support. When the "threshing" time comes for wheat, where the bundles are banged on the floor to dislodge the wheat kernels, the bundling helps hold everything together, again giving strength so that the most kernels are able to be dislodged. As families we are much more able to withstand the "beating of the world" upon us, and are strengthened as we go through trials and struggles so that the most good can be brought out of us.
Lastly, I hope we are like the kernels of wheat, the good things that are brought forth that the Lord can use to accomplish his great work, rather than being like the tares (the grassy weed part that is left over from the wheat plants) that are good only to burn, or throw away, or compost!

Mom's Moment – Part Two (at dinner)
At church today Brother Partridge died. He stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating. However, Brother Schram was sitting right next to him, was able to do CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Bro. Partridge and "brought him back." It was Ward Conference and our Stake Presidency was there to witness the "miracle." When Scott and Julie got home from the hospital, they talked to the kids about the miracle that was not just one event, but a series of several events that most people don't know about.
If Scott had not seen Bro. Partridge and went to sit by him; if Scott had not been asked the week earlier to give the lesson in Priesthood would not have been there; if Scott wouldn't have been able to get to sleep the night before because of his severe headaches with the Multiple Sclerosis; if Julie would not have called at 1:30 a.m. (Scott said "You can't call in the middle of the night!" Julie said "Yes, I can call Patrice!!"), but neither Dad nor I heard the phone. However, I did hear Dallin's alarm go off at 1:30 a.m. for Dallin to go to the bathroom. But Dallin didn't go into the bathroom, so I got up to check on him. While he was using the bathroom I waited in the hallway by his door and noticed the flashing red light on the answering machine. There was no message, so I checked the caller ID, saw Schram's number on there, so I called back, said "Yes, I've got some Lortab", Heidi came over and got it and was able to take it to her father, which knocked off the pain enough that he could get to sleep, be rested enough to be at church to teach the Priesthood lesson, to sit by Bro. Partridge during the priesthood opening, to give the care that was needed to revive Bro. Partridge. We are grateful for all the "little things" that led to the "big thing!"

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