January 26, 2012

Behavior Modification. . .

A new "SUPER PAIN PILL" is scheduled to hit the local pharmacy in the near future, and the news coverage is talking about how devastating this can be to already addiction-prone people.

I've thought about it a lot. What is the answer? Governmental control? Vigilante watchdog groups? Obsessive (dedicated?) parents on the look-out?

And then I thought of a quote from Elder Boyd K. Packer several years ago:

"Doctrine can change behavior quicker than talking about behavior will."

If we will LIVE THE GOSPEL PRINCIPLES (doctrine), we will be more able to resist the temptations of the world.

If we keep the Word of Wisdom, we won't have any problem with drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco addiction, etc.

This may seem rather simplistic, but ultimately the gospel of Jesus Christ IS simple!! And it is much easier to live IT, than to live without it...in MY humble opinion!! ^_^

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