October 12, 2011

Thoughts I've Had Lately. . .

When we finally "get the connection," TRULY, that this life really isn't about "us" but about BLESSING THE LIVES OF OTHERS, we are finally proceeding down the right path.  Think about it for a minute:  when we are self-focused (selfish, self-absorbed, etc.) we are a very small package that no one else is interested in...unless THEY are a small package and want company...

There are TONS of marriages, relationships, etc., out there that are "small packages" and they bring with them lots of problems and unhappiness.

When we TRULY understand about giving of ourselves (NOT for what comes back to us, but because it's how we really feel) then we attract that kind of relationship, person, and experiences.  Some people NEVER understand this concept, and their lives reflect it. 

By the world's standard this concept can be very mundane and not very fun or exciting.  But the world is actually wrong.  It is the most healing, complete, secure and reassuring sense of our "being" there is!  When we feel this, we are MORE free to bless and give, and it NATURALLY comes back to us in many many forms!!

Often we hear the Savior's counsel "As I have loved you, love one another" or "Love thy neighbor as thyself."  We would do well to heed His words.


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