March 20, 2010

Mom's Moment

Wow, with everything going on, it's amazing I got this written down! Hope you enjoy reading it!

Mom's Moment
March 7, 2010

This morning I went down to feed the horses and decided to take Buck and Hank with me. Of course they were bouncing off the walls of the truck, excited to get down to the gully where they could freely run to their hearts (and legs) content!

Since it was Sunday, and I was already dressed for Church, I didn't linger after feeding the horses. Instead, I called the dogs, got in the truck myself as Buck and Hank bounded in the back, and drove home.

As I pulled up to the house, both dogs jumped out of the truck and headed towards the backyard. However, as I started to get out of the truck I noticed both dogs turned around and started running across the front grass as if heading back for the gully. I let loose with a short piercing whistle, and both dogs stopped in their tracks. I whistled a second time and watched as two dogs made differing decisions. Hank took a quick look and then bolted for the gully in spite of being called. Buck quickly walked over to me with just a little look over his shoulder at the quickly disappearing Hank.

I rubbed Buck's ears and told him "good boy" for coming when called.

Perhaps, because it was Sunday, the Spirit decided to point something out to me. I was reminded right at that moment that the Lord, too, "calls" to each of us. And, like the dogs, we each make our own choices.

Do we stop for a moment, and then continue following "our own path" rather than heeding the Master's call.

Do we stop, look wistfully at the people around us who seem to be having "fun," and then follow the Savior's call to come to Him?

When I left for church Hank had not returned and I closed the gate to the backyard. When Dallin and Harrison started out to the car about 15 minutes later they noticed Hank laying on the cement outside the gate to. They took a few minutes and let Hank back in.

When told of the latest developments, I was reminded how it would feel to be "fenced out" of association with our loved ones because of our wanting to go and have fun rather than heed the Master's voice. Thankfully, Hank "returned to the fold" rather quickly. I hope WE will, too!


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