September 20, 2009

Mindless. . .or "little things"

September 20, 2009 -- Sunday

So, with everything I have going right now . . . Primary Program just finished, the Peanut Pulling Party (, Swiss Day's Parade, state-wide Piano Competition, rodeo stuff, and so on . . . I still have had time to THINK!

I've mentioned a little about "baby steps," taking things from the "minimum" angle so as not to defeat ourselves before we even get started. I've been re-motivated to do this with regards to weight loss, and I'm amazed at how it applies to everything.
As I've read more about the Kaizen method, I understand WHY it's so important to do very little things. I'll give you some examples:
"What's the smallest step I can take to be more efficient?"
"What can I do in five minutes a day to reduce my credit-card debt?"
"How could I find one source of information about adult education classes in my city?"
Each of these are small enough to bypass fear. This, in turn, allows the brain to focus on problem-solving and action.

Now, so you can see by example, what I'm talking about, I'll share with you MY four SIMPLE things I'm doing this month to help me reach my weight goals. Here they are:

1. Keep a mug (water bottle) with me all during the day. (I don't have to drink it, I just keep it with me...funny how such a small thing triggers bigger I keep that water bottle with me, I'll drink more water, keep myself hydrated, probably reduce the times I mistake thirst for hunger, etc.)

2. I can eat whatever I want, but if it something that's probably not the BEST thing to be eating, I may eat THREE small to medium-sized bites. (This one sometimes feels like a deprivation, until I really start thinking about it...and 3 bites usually satisfies the craving!)

3. Eat with my non-dominant hand. (This one is probably the hardest because we eat so automatically. It takes a lot of remembering!!)

4. My Non-food goal is to do my AB video workout at least three times a week. This is easy since I've been doing it every weekday for about 4 weeks. But I wanted to make sure I gave myself some leeway so as not to "fail."

I hope you will find three or four "little" things you want to work on for the month, and see how this very small changes make a big difference!

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