August 19, 2012

What did YOU learn today?

Mom's Moment

Worshiping God, particularly on the Sabbath, is an interesting thing.  According to the world, it's an "extra" day we can use to play, shop, entertain, etc.  What does it mean to you?  Is it a day of "don'ts" or a day of "do's.  Here are some of the things we discussed in Relief Society today that we can DO:

1.  Attend ALL of your church meetings
2.  Visit someone who is sick, injured, elderly, or lonely
3.  Write your parents a letter
4.  Write to a missionary
5.  Send someone a thank you note
6.  Play religious music rather than your "regular" music
7.  Write in your journal
8.  Write a short story of a childhood experience (aka family history!)
9.  Dig into your genealogy.  Is it up to date?
10. Call extended family members
11.  Play the piano
12.  Invite someone to share dinner with you
13.  Take a treat to a friend or neighbor
14.  Call someone you didn't see at church
15.  Read your patriarchal blessing

A pastor was approached by a church member wanting to know why it was important to even go to church. Why couldn't he just think about God at home?  As they talked, sitting close to the fireplace, the pastor reached into the fire with some fire tongs, and pulled out a burning ember, placing it on the hearth away from the other coals.  As their discussion came to a close the pastor pointed out what had happened to the removed coal.  Away from the heat of the other embers, the solitary coal quickly lost its fire, smoldered, then became cold.

We, too, are like the coals of the fire.  We need the association we have with each other, particularly in the church setting, to help strengthen each other and gain "warmth" from those around us.

How is YOUR "coal" doing?  Is it giving heat to others by the way you worship God, or is it growing cold?  If we have a difficult time worshiping on Sunday, what are the REST of the days of the week like?

I hope this helps each of you THINK, and then DO things that will increase your Sabbath day worship!!


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