January 15, 2012

Dad's 56th Birthday

It sure is different having birthdays without kids at home...but it was fun anyway.  Dad woke me up when the alarm went off, but I told him I was going to sleep a little longer.  He went in and built a fire, then got in the shower.  That's when I LEAPT into action:  I went into the kitchen and made the fastest treasure hunt of my life...the clues were pretty bad, but at least they were clues!  I quickly put them in their spots:  under Dad's chair, in the dryer, in the camping equipment, and the "treasure" was in the piano closet.

After the clues were hidden, I got the potatoes washed, grated, and in the pan to cook; then I made a small sign to hang up on the french doors.  I got the table set with the red plates and glass, then fried some eggs, made toast, and poured the oj.  When Dad came out he was VERY surprised!  Hooray for fast multi-tasking wives!!

After an early breakfast, my piano students began to arrive, and Dad left for school.  As soon as Dad left, I painted the front window in big letters, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. HUNT!"   Dad knew I must have put something on the window because so many students wished him a happy birthday.

Between students, I threw 3 boxes of brownie mix together and got them cooking so they were done when I finished teaching.  MaryAnn Zabriskie, Julie Schram and I went on a bike ride, then MaryAnn and I took the brownies to Dad's class, helped his class sing Happy Birthday, and then we dished up brownies for all of his students...of course it was his LARGEST class with 33 students!  But we had plenty, with some left over!  It was great and Dad was very gracious about it all.

For dinner we had burrito supremes and German Chocolate cake*.  Hans and Amelia came over to celebrate with us, along with Jeonghoon.  It was fun, but I can't believe I didn't get any pictures!!  I know I took some, but they didn't show up on the camera...weird!!

* I forgot to make the cake until a few minutes before my afternoon piano students were to start arriving, so I didn't have time to run to the store and buy the German chocolate cake mix Dad likes.  Instead, I took a Devils food cake mix and a white cake mix, used half from each, mixed according to the directions, and threw it in the oven.  Made the coconut frosting after lessons and everything turned out well.  When we ate the cake it was really good...still not German Chocolate, but not too chocolatey, either!

All-in-all, a nice birthday, with everything coming together very well.  I am SOOOOO thankful for my wonderful husband and sweetheart!

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