What makes a friend? Is it a term we use loosely, or does it have deep meaning?
We each experience things that give us a better understanding of what a "friend" truly is. I have to chuckle when I look at Facebook sometimes. Some people have 3,000 "friends", others have less than that, but still in the 1000's. And it makes me think, "Are they truly FRIENDS, or are they acquaintances, or people someone is just friendly to, etc., etc?" Along those lines, I also consider what kind of friend
I am?
So here' a not all-inclusive list of the things I think:
A friend. . .
. . . listens to you when you need to talk; sometimes they will give you counsel, even when you don't ask for it, but they aren't offended when you say "I wasn't asking for advice! I just need you to listen!!"
. . . is there for you when you need something, even if you didn't schedule it two weeks in advance. And you KNOW they would have been there for you if there was a good reason they couldn't be there.
. . . rejoices in your success even if it is something they wish they were able to do but haven't been able to. They are truly happy for you and share in your delight. (Like going to Australia! Or winning an Ipad!!)
. . . never tries to undermine your goals to improve yourself. For example, if you're trying to lose weight and they are really skinny (or not!), they don't tempt you with a piece of chocolate cake saying, "Oh come on. Just enjoy yourself! It's not that big of a deal!" The same holds true with much heavier things like stopping drinking or doing drugs. Why is it that "friends" try to pull the recovering addict down instead of encouraging their sobriety? And I don't "get" how people can be so BLIND to the fact that a REAL FRIEND would NEVER do that.
. . . does not care more about themselves than they do about you . . . and vice versa!
True friends aren't usually found in the thousands or hundreds. They are rare and should be treasured!!
I am SO grateful for my friends!!