January 11, 2010

SO many things. . .

There are SO many things I want to tell you, so many things I'm learning and want to share with you. Instead of worrying about the right time and the right way, maybe I need to just write things down!

So, here goes! Baby steps...talked about and, hopefully, remembering to implement. Case in Point: Last week I started making a list of all the huge projects of cleaning/organizing that I need/want to do. I had ten things written down in a matter of minutes, and then I was out of space on my paper. For a second I felt overwhelmed...until I looked at the list and picked ONE thing to focus on this week...yes, you heard me right...this WEEK. That way I wouldn't burn out trying to do a ton of stuff.

I chose "PANTRY" since I had recently purchased new contact paper in the hopes I'd get around to cleaning it out. The goal I set was to only do ONE SHELF per day.

The method to the madness is, if I ONLY do one shelf a day, I feel:

1. Successful;

2. Underwhelmed;

3. Able to be consistent and focused;

4. Like repeating my productive behavior!

And that's what I've done. I have the top shelf to finish because it got set aside due to another family needing my help more than the pantry. But I'm doing the shelf this morning! It's pretty cool!

So, I hope you take baby steps in your lives! Don't try to do everything, especially not all at once! Do ONE SMALL THING today. Maybe it will simply be saying your prayers. Maybe it will be completing your homework assignment for chemistry (or any other class that may be challenging!) You get to decide what ONE THING you want to do today, or each day this week.

Let me know how it goes!


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